OncoFOLLOW : Personalized liquid biopsy for patient monitoring

First personalized liquid biopsy
Monitor the progression and detect lack of response
OncoFOLLOW is a test based on the analysis of circulating tumor DNA in blood. It is used to monitor the progression of the tumor (burden of the disease) and to detect lack of response or resistance to treatment as soon as it appears.
This assay is customised for each patient, as it analyses up to 15 variants previously identified in the tumour of the patient. In addition, it sequences a fixed panel of 40 genes associated with response/resistance to targeted therapies and immunotherapy, and/or frequently mutated in cancer.
In 2013, OncoDNA became the first company to launch a personalized liquid biopsy test.
Liquid biopsy
All stage IV solid tumours in adults that have been previously sequenced (with OncoDEEP or any other test sequencing more than 100 genes).
- 40 genes
- Up to 15 variants previously identified in the tumour
2 blood samples (2x10ml Streck tubes)
Unique Gene Panel For Each Patient
Personalized tool
The gene panel is customised for each patient by selecting a set of patient-specific variants, which were identified in the tumour by a previous sequencing test (with OncoDEEP, or with any other test sequencing more than 100 genes

A minimally invasive technique
From a simple blood sample, this minimally invasive technique allows to follow the treatment response very closely and identify new targets if the cancer becomes resistant to the current therapy, and it may detect relapse earlier than routine imaging technologies.Clinical evidence

Circulating tumor DNA in early response assessment and monitoring of advanced colorectal cancer treated with a multi-kinase inhibitor
The clinical impact of using complex molecular profiling strategies in routine oncology practice
EML4-ALK translocation identification in RNA exosomal cargo (ExoALK) in NSCLC patients: a novel role for liquid biopsy
Other Biomarker Tests

Comprehensive biomarker test to support clinical decisions
OncoDEEP® offers a unique combination of DNA, RNA and protein biomarker tests on solid biopsies. In less than two weeks, OncoDEEP is able to pinpoint the therapeutic vulnerabilities of an advanced, metastatic tumor and to recommend appropriate treatment options. The test screens for genomic alterations (DNA & RNA), genomic signatures (MSI, TMB, HRD) and protein biomarkers of response to targeted therapies, immunotherapies, hormone therapy and chemotherapy.

Smart and cost-effective liquid biopsy panels with selected key genes per tumor type
OncoSELECT is a fast and minimally invasive analysis of circulating tumor DNA from a blood sample. It is the perfect solution to identify therapeutic options for cancer patients not able to have their tumor biopsied or whose biopsy is too old. It can be used as a tool to detect treatment resistance to targeted and hormonal therapies (before first-line to check the heterogeneity of the disease, or during/after treatment to check for acquired resistance mutations), as well as for monitoring cancer progression.

Frequently Asked Questions
How can I order an OncoFOLLOW test?
Ordering an OncoFOLLOW test is very simple: Just log in to OncoSHARE and select the diagnostic test(s) you are interested in. If you do not have a kit for sample collection, we will send you one.
How do I get the results of an OncoFOLLOW test?
What is the price of an OncoFOLLOW test?
For information regarding the price of our OncoFOLLOW test in your respective country, please contact our sales team.