
The transcriptome is comprised of all RNA molecules including mRNA, rRNA, tRNA, and other non-coding RNA transcribed in one cell or a population of cells. OncoDNA is a leading expert in the study of the transcriptome and the measure of RNA expression.


RNA-Seq uses deep sequencing technologies for transcriptome profiling that provides more precise measurement of levels of transcripts and their isoforms than other methods. OncoDNA is an expert with RNA-Seq and can assist researchers to design and implement a wide variety of RNA-Seq related studies.

  • Experience across a full range of RNA-Seq study types.
  • We also offer clinical grade RNA-Seq for personalized medicine studies.
  • Cutting-edge, constantly updated bioinformatic pipelines.
  • We can provide you with advice on experimental design.
  • Support from study design through tertiary biostatistical analysis.


We have developed a powerful workflow to access cancer gene expression signatures. Dowload our paper to discover the technical features of our 3’ RNA-seq protocol for accurate gene transcriptomic analysis of challenging tumor samples.

Small RNA sequencing

OncoDNA has developed and streamlined a process for measuring small RNA expression in tissue samples and liquid biopsies (serum or plasma) via next generation sequencing. We offer researchers a small RNA sequencing service for examining gene regulation at both the transcriptional and post-transcriptional level.

We offer a proprietary protocol for small RNA-SEQ

  • Fully optimized process – from extraction to bioinformatics.
  • Start with either frozen or FFPE tissue, circulating blood cells, or liquid biopsies.
  • Able to extract total RNA from either plasma or serum.
  • Library prep uses random adapters via in-house developed protocol
    • Reduces bias representation
    • Provides better correlation.
  • State-of-the-art analysis using snRNAbench mutational signatures.
small rna sequencing transcriptomics